tag: Netgen Layouts

Netgen Layouts attaining market recognition

Netgen Layouts attaining market recognition

Ivo Lukač

While wrapping up Netgen Layouts 1.1, we are spreading the word about the product and discussing what features to build next.

Introducing Netgen Stack for eZ Platform

Introducing Netgen Stack for eZ Platform

Ivo Lukač

For the last 15+ years, we help the Web to be better for users and easier for site builders like us. Recently, we open-sourced our complete stack for building Symfony-based web sites on top of eZ Platform.

Netgen Layouts going Open Core; version 1.0 released

Netgen Layouts going Open Core; version 1.0 released

Ivo Lukač

After 4 years of work, countless commits, many implemented projects, a dozen of partners using the product, we are releasing our crown jewel — Netgen Layouts in version 1.0 and on top of that — its Open Core. 

ZgPHP meetup at Netgen

ZgPHP meetup at Netgen

Mario Blažek

Here at Netgen, we are constantly looking for ways to contribute to the community, organizing meetups being one of them. That’s why we were very glad to host #90 ZgPHP meetup two weeks ago.

Netgen partners with Sylius eCommerce

Netgen partners with Sylius eCommerce

Ivo Lukač

4 years ago we started using Sylius to develop e-commerce projects. Since then, our relationship went from using each other’s technologies to a solid partnership. With Sylius and Layouts forces combined together, the best is yet to come.

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